
ACCIARIUM organizes alliances between Mid Sized Companies to match their knowledge and ideas, giving them the ability to build a new, stronger, recognized “Solution Provider Teamwork” with better ability to satisfy Steelmakers’ needs.

Redecam is committed to safe and healthy working environments and all products are qualified ISO 9001.

Transformers and Rectifiers (India)
Transformers & Rectifiers (I) Limited manufactures a wide range of transformers that conform to the quality expectations of both the domestic and the international market. With a world class infrastructure at three plants around the city of Ahmemdabad, T&R has the capability to develop world-class power, distribution, furnace and speciality transformers. These facilities are equipped with state of the art equipment and is managed by a highly skilled team of production personnel.
Transformer India is an ISO 9001 &14001 &BS OHSAS 18001 company.

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By partnering with other companies, we are able to deliver top quality products and solutions across many industries
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