Connecting International Expertise to South African Opportunities
European alliance partner company GC Top Technologies – an Italian company based in South Africa – aims to connect international suppliers of the best available technologies with South African clients that require improved efficiency, enhanced productivity and environment-friendly solutions.
The company operates in several markets, including steelmaking, ferroalloy production and power plants.
These connections are achieved through the work of GC Top Technologies founder Giovanni Carnelli, who has more than 20 years of managerial experience in the steelmaking and ferroalloy market. His background in engineering as well as marketing allows him to match client’s needs with the valuable characteristics of the products supplied by his partners.
“We provide the channel for international suppliers of advanced technologies to promote their products in the South African market, enabling us to find the best solutions for South African clients who are looking for advanced equipment and applications with improved standards,” explains Carnelli.
GC Top Technologies also cross-pollinates the ideas that are generated in different industries, enabling the application of consolidated customised procedures and equipment to different areas in various fields.
“We focus on scouting for the most innovative and successful solutions applied in a specific field and use these in a different, but related field.
“These innovations are developed by committed suppliers who are gifted with a passion for innovation. These companies are frequently able to provide specifically tailored, dedicated solutions to resolve the daily problems some clients experience.
“For example, whenever we find a technical solution that is performing well in a particular sector, such as steelmaking, we can apply it to other sectors, such as ferroalloys. “By doing this, we can access new markets, such as those of power generation, cement production and glass manufacturing, ensuring that our partnerships will continue to expand,” says Carnelli.
His extensive background in engineering and project execution, vast network of some of the most knowledgeable experts in the industry and first-hand relationships with some of the most accredited international equipment suppliers enables GC Top Technologies to understand the nature of the problems that industry faces and to develop integrated solutions in collaboration with its international partners.
“GC Top Technologies, with the support of well-known consultants operating in the market and some partner companies with a successful history in designing and developing dedicated equipment in the steelmaking and ferroalloy production markets, continuously identifies the most advanced technological solutions and makes them available to the South African market,” Carnelli explains.
He also notes that social media and improved information technology have made it easy to source different types of products worldwide.
However, it is still relatively difficult to select the most reliable and high performing products at a fair price.
Through GC Top Technologies’ alliance partnerships, South African companies have access to some of the best Italian technological expertise, as well as other expertise from European and American technological fields.
“Some of our partners have more than 50 years of experience in technological and design expertise, and have the possibility of fabricating in less expensive countries, ensuring the application of European manufacturing processes and quality standards while providing sustainable and well-priced solutions to our customers,” he says.